
For interfaces this week, I decided to work on my final project and connect a button to the ESP32camera. The camera would then use differnet effects as filters for each photo with each press of the button.

  • eg: one press of the button applies filter A to the image on screen
  • two presses of the button applies filter B to the image on screen and so on...
  • I didnt not want to work with the bread box this time (like this: link), like the last esp32 cam i tried to programme, since it is too ocnfusing and complicated (I kept getting confused as to which wire went where)

    I first had to add a button to the esp32 cam board. The png looked like this: a capacitor and resister was added with the button, to one pin.

    I began soldering all the parts:

    I couldnt find any 90 degree Female Headers (even after opening an issue) as per Neil's board.

    I asked Anthony Pennes if the EECS shop had any. Anthony told me that they didnt have any but that I could use male headers on the board and then swap the headers on the ESP to regular straight female headers.

    Anythony then saw that the switch was like a cantilever so the probability that it may break at a later time is high.

    So I had to put hot glue on the underneath of it:

    finally i had a ESP connected to a board.

    however this time the light ont he board didnt even switch on when i connected it to the arduino. I have no idea what to do!!!!